
We are so fortunate to be hosted not only by the University of Alabama but also by the French Division of the Department of Modern & Romance Languages.  The French Convention simply would not be possible without their unflagging support!  On campus, the UA Student Center is the ideal venue for all of our Convention’s events.


The UA Student Center (Building #1022) is located on the University of Alabama campus in Tuscaloosa, at the intersection of Campus Drive West and 7th Avenue.  For general questions, there is an information desk: (205) 348-6063.  The event coordinator for the French Convention is Darrien Simmons  (, (205) 348-8233.  For inquiries on Convention Day, parents should contact you or their child directly, if possible.


Please also note that this year’s registration will include an additional Liability Waiver  required by the University of Alabama, which must be printed and signed by each attendee’s parent or guardian. You must bring these signed liability waivers to the registration table on the day of Convention to be given to the University of Alabama representative.  With the exception of the university-sponsored campus tour, all participating students must remain in The Ferguson Center for the entire day.


The University of Alabama requires that each group of visiting high school students be accompanied by adult chaperones who remain responsible at all times for the students attending any event.  Because we often bring more students than we are capable of supervising ourselves, each school must provide an adequate number of chaperones for the number of students in the group (no less than 8:1).  Chaperones may be other school employees or even parents.  Sponsors and chaperones should discuss appropriate behavior with students prior to arriving at the Student Center.  It is imperative that students remain respectful of the facilities and the other people present in the building that day.  Students must not obstruct hallways, nor be boisterous or rowdy, and they absolutely must clean up after themselves.


Students may bring a backpack, schoolbooks, etc. but they are reminded to keep a close watch on their items.  The UA Student Center is a high-traffic area; it is unwise to leave personal items unattended, and it is unlikely that they will be recoverable if lost or left behind after Convention.


The Student Center Food Court offers a wide variety of competitively-priced lunch options, ranging from Chik-fil-A to grab-n-go sushi. Lunch is provided for club sponsors (teachers), but since the students will be on their own during the lunch hour, they will need to bring adequate money for lunch and snacks. **Please note that the Student Center does not accept cash!!


The University of Alabama strives to ensure that all persons have an opportunity to participate in all conference activities hosted at campus facilities.  Individuals with disabilities requiring special assistance or accommodations to participate in French Convention programs should contact the University at the address below at least ten (10) University working days prior to the day of the scheduled conference.


All participating schools must check in upon arrival at the UA Student Center.  Sponsors (teachers) must report to the registration table upstairs, outside of the Student Center Ballroom (at the east end of the building, above the drop-off circle) to receive their school’s t-shirts and any other materials or information.  Also, Sponsors (teachers) must email a single pdf of all their attendees’ signed liability waivers to the President Club sponsor, Allison Ramey, prior to arriving for Convention.  Registration opens at 8:00 a.m. and close at 9:30 a.m.  *Note: It is advisable to arrive between 8:30-8:45, since the Opening Assembly starts at 9:00!


Please do not clutter the restrooms and hallways with props and costumes as other people will be using the Student Center on French Convention Day.  Instead, bring your items to the east end of the Ballroom where an area for your belongings will be provided.


All exhibits, posters, props, etc. must be removed from the Student Center by 5:00 p.m.  The University of Alabama will not be responsible for materials remaining in the building after 5:00.  This is important since the spaces are often used for other scheduled events following ours.


Buses should drop off and pick up students on 7th Avenue (the east side of the Student Center where the covered drop-off loop is).   Be sure to ask for your driver’s cell phone number!  After that, bus drivers may find parking available on the side of the street on Shelby Lane.  If not, bus parking is available in the Perimeter Lot directly across Campus Drive from the Softball Field (Northeast Lot).

Car parking is available for $2.50/hr in the Student Center parking deck to the northwest.  The two entrances are located off Campus Drive West and McCorvey Drive.

For further information, consult the Parking Services webpage (Bama Parking – | The University of Alabama ( or contact them at, M-F, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m, or call (205) 348-5471.


Click here for UA Student Center Map.