Convention Registration

We are so excited that you are considering joining us this year!

Registration opens on Monday, November 25, 2024 and closes on Saturday, January 25, 2025 — so mark your calendar in order to avoid any late fee.

We continually strive to keep costs as low as possible while providing the students with a rich and memorable experience.  This year, the fee remains at $15 per student ($10/student for schools attending for the first time).  This fee funds the general functioning of the Convention (use of the Student Center, awards, prizes, honorariums, and scholarship monies).  Additionally, each participant will receive a student-designed Convention t-shirt, so be sure to have all your numbers/sizes handy when you go to fill out the registration form!

There is only one (1) form to fill out.  It will walk you through the registration process for Convention and ALL competitions.  Please familiarize yourself with this form well ahead of time (right now, par exemple) so as not to be caught off-guard when you complete it.  You must have all information ready when you register: participant count, t-shirt sizes, titles and description for oral competitions, etc. But it will allow you to enter some data, save it, then complete and submit it later.

The University of Alabama requires their Youth Protection Program form be filled out for each individual attending.  Please print out the form here, have students, teachers, and chaperones complete the form, then email a pdf of the entire stack to . University of Alabama 3rd Party Liability Release

As always, please contact us if you encounter any difficulties or have any questions.